
smack that

smack that


smack that

smack that 点解 以下文字资料是由(芝士)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

smack = 揼扁 唔知你从那里看到 如果只是这两个字smack that无其他句的话 是一句俚语 意思是 癈的 或 不用理会 或 去死吧 咁上下意思 要看之前讲的是甚么 就是对那东西/事情采取攻击或否定的态度

你一定是查过字典,但将解释放回原文仍然解不通才会发问。所以你不将原文写出来,我们可能很难帮你。 smack 一般解拍。像 smack that fly 拍乌蝇。 2012-02-25 14:47:51 补充: If it is from a rapper song title

it probably me 不用理会


smack(verb) is to hit somebody with your open hand

especially as a punishment:-eg.I think it's wrong to smack children (=spank



)eg:-to smack someone on the wrist." Smack that "has a meaning of smack something;eg. to put something somewhere with a lot of force so that it makes a loud noise. eg.He smacked a fist into the broken chair. Smack somebody up has a meaning of to hit somebody hard with your hand

many times. "that" me a pronoun used for referring to a person or thing that is not near the speaker.Hence "that" may use for referring to a thing.