2PM的hands up的中文音译
Everyone put your hands up
and get your drinks up
Everyone put your hands up
and get your drinks up
Now, put your hands up
put your hands up
put put put put put
put your hands up
put your hands up
put put put put put
put your hands up
put your hands up
put put put put put
put your hands up
put your hands up
put put put put put
家西吧基都楼 窘西吧基都楼 窘西吧基都楼
挪里哼都老巴巴 啊么sing噶啊那多喽
哦丫个噶基的要噶C 一李丫 一李丫
You know what I'm sayin'
一够有诺皮够滴诺嘿 伯切 挪样切 噗滴够 一喽样个BOOM切
破C后诺喽一够比切 那哦李基 那了巴切
Everyone put your hands up
and get your drinks up
Everyone put your hands up
and get your drinks up
Now, put your hands up
put your hands up
put put put put put
put your hands up
put your hands up
put put put put put
put your hands up
put your hands up
put put put put put
put your hands up
put your hands up
put put put put put
Here we go here we go
可等了某挪楼搭够 可等了某挪喽搭够
一喽米哈家等嘛西够 怕西加卡的够
挪嘛里票个可里要对 DJ哦能不嘛个的K
Yes sir 闹能嘛土喽噶给
一喽嘛里丫袄挪里要给 气喽加能大噶基 土里可给
one shot的个金加 卡给
Everyone put your hands up
and get your drinks up
Everyone put your hands up
and get your drinks up
Now, put your hands up
put your hands up
put put put put put
put your hands up
put your hands up
put put put put put
put your hands up
put your hands up
put put put put put
put your hands up
put your hands up
put put put put put
Don’t stop 某李吧能
Now, put your hands up
put your hands up
put put put put put
put your hands up
put your hands up
put put put put put
put your hands up
put your hands up
put put put put put
put your hands up
put your hands up
put put put put put
put your hands up