





在Windows Vista x64中,微软为驱动程序引入了强制代码签名。由于Sandboxie依赖驱动程序组件来确保软件隔离,因此在不损害系统完整性的情况下,无法将其加载到Windows Vista x64中。



在64位版本的Windows平台中,微软已经扩展了操作系统的核心,内核,这样它就可以例行地执行自我检查来检测任何篡改。这种增强被正式称为内核补丁保护(Kernel Patch Protection),通常被称为PatchGuard。


PatchGuard API

windowsvistaservicepack1中引入的新“patchguardapi”不足以替代内核编程中失去的灵活性。这些api不允许Sandboxie在64位Windows Vista上保证隔离。





兄弟,不要听一楼的胡扯 他就是答非所问


Driver Signing

With Windows Vista x64, Microsoft has introduced mandatory code signing for drivers. Since Sandboxie relies on a driver component to ensure software isolation, it cannot be loaded into Windows Vista x64 without compromising the integrity of the system.

Acquiring the code signature is not in itself an insurmountable task. However, the next reason will show why this is pointless at this time.

Kernel Patch Protection (PatchGuard)

In 64-bit editions of the Windows platform, Microsoft has extended the core of the operating system, the kernel, in such a way that it routinely performs self-checks to detect any tampering. This enhancement is officially called Kernel Patch Protection and commonly referred to as PatchGuard.

The software isolation provided by Sandboxie is not supported by the Windows kernel, so Sandboxie must make some changes to the kernel to implement the isolation features. This is detected by PatchGuard as tampering, and so the system crashes soon after Sandboxie is installed.

PatchGuard APIs

New "PatchGuard APIs" introduced with Windows Vista Service Pack 1 are not an adequate replacement for the lost flexibility in kernel programming. These APIs do not allow Sandboxie to guarantee isolation on 64-bit Windows Vista.

Sandboxie needs to be able to monitor requests issued by a program in the sandbox to communicate with a program or service outside the sandbox, and discard these requests where they are inappropriate. Please see the section below for some examples that show how this relates to Sandboxie.

Windows, 32-bit or 64-bit, offers no official Windows kernel interfaces to monitor such accesses. However, on 32-bit Windows, Sandboxie can dynamically inject itself (in memory, not on disk) into the Windows kernel, and get a foothold in the procedure that connects one program to another. In 64-bit Windows, this injection is considered malicious and causes PatchGuard to crash the system. And yet, there are no official interfaces to supplement the lost flexibility in kernel programming.

Thus in 64-bit Windows, Sandboxie can only "recommend" a program to not go out of the sandbox, but cannot mandate this. A malicious program could easily circumvent Sandboxie by simply ignoring these recommendations. Rather than release a 64-bit version of Sandboxie that can only offer a false sense of security, I have decided to cancel support for 64-bit editions of Sandboxie.

Summary: The 32-bit edition of Sandboxie can both provide and guarantee software isolation. A 64-bit edition can provide, but cannot guarantee, the same isolation. For this reason, a 64-bit edition of Sandboxie is not offered at all.


如果英语还可以的话 应该很容易看懂~
