





不知道是哪一届,主持人Billy Crystal一开场说道:




如果你有好剧本,又有投资,可是Tom Cruise不愿意演,等待。




卡神凭《泰坦尼克号》获最佳导演大喊:i`m the king of the world。用的正是杰克电影里的台词;



08年奥斯卡科恩兄弟连续三次上台领奖,大哥乔尔科恩把感谢的话说了一大堆,弟弟伊桑科恩在麦克风面前别了许久,就吐出了两个单词:Thank you。算是最本色的感言。


模仿游戏 最佳编剧奖


比如朱莉亚罗伯茨那年以大热姿态登顶影后,主持人调侃说发言不超过45(不知道记得对不对)秒的获奖人可以得到一台电视机。从凯文史派西手中接过小金人后大嘴以招牌大笑开场,接着说“我已经有台电视了,所以我准备花点时间跟你们说些什么”,接着产生了史上最大牌的演讲,共持续4分钟!而且朱莉亚很明显是故意断断续续的,表现的很紧张,因为到最后的时候她很快速的讲出了想要感谢的人,还有那句“I love the world”。

查理兹塞隆那年也是大热姿态,艾德里安布罗迪颁奖,前一年他获影帝时把哈利贝瑞亲的都喘不过气了,今年他要颁奖的时候特意口里喷了雾剂,意思等会要好好亲下新晋影后,全场笑爆。然后查理兹塞隆上台领奖时早有防备,轻轻一吻,接着开始发表感言。其中提到要把小金人带回祖国南非。其实塞隆的演讲最动人的是后面,感谢她的男友,谢谢他一直站在他的身旁(虽然两人现在分手了,不过当时他的男友眼里也是装满泪水),接着又感谢她的母亲,“你为我牺牲了很多很多,只为了让我梦想成真,没有语言能够描述我有多爱你”,而她的母亲也早已泣不成声。后来才知道,她母亲很不容易,面对嗜酒成性还有暴力倾向的丈夫,出于自我防卫且保护塞隆,她枪击了丈夫,而且将她带去美国发展。最后,御姐塞隆说“I am not gonna cry!thank you!thank you!thank you!”其实眼里已噙满泪水。看着这一幕,觉得很感动。


在催场音乐响起时各种感谢,然后控制不住连说13个「I LOVE U」,配上音乐看,全身如过电一般,末尾还跳起舞来了。




I know my work in this case is magnified by the fact that the streets of heaven are too crowded with angels. We know their names - they number a thousand for each one of the red ribbons that we wear here tonight. They finally rest in the warm embrace of the gracious creator of us all.


Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I'm sorry. ~~~





痞叔的 You commie, homo-loving sons-of-guns。另公开支持了同性恋(参演电影《米尔克》是同性恋题材)。


Thank you. Thank you. You commie, homo-loving sons-of-guns. I did not expect this, but I, and I want it to be very clear, that I do know how hard I make it to appreciate me often. But I am touched by the appreciation and I hoped for it enough that I did want to scribble down, so I had the names in case you were commie, homo-loving sons-of-guns, and so I want to thank my best friend, Sata Matsuzawa. My circle of long-time support, Mara, Brian, Barry and Bob. The great Cleve Jones. Our wonderful writer, Lance Black. Producers Bruce Cohen and Dan Jinks.

And particularly, as all, as actors know, our director either has the patience, talent and restraint to grant us a voice or they don't, and it goes from the beginning of the meeting, through the cutting room. And there is no finer hands to be in than Gus Van Sant. And finally, for those, two last finallies, for those who saw the signs of hatred as our cars drove in tonight, I think that it is a good time for those who voted for the ban against gay marriage to sit and reflect and anticipate their great shame and the shame in their grandchildren's eyes if they continue that way of support. We've got to have equal rights for everyone. And there are, and there are, these last two things. I'm very, very proud to live in a country that is willing to elect an elegant man president and a country who, for all its toughness, creates courageous artists. And this is in great due respect to all the nominees, but courageous artists, who despite a sensitivity that sometimes has brought enormous challenge, Mickey Rourke rises again and he is my brother. Thank you all very much.


只记得去年金球奖 Judy Forster终身成就奖的获奖感言 简直人格魅力爆棚 当时忍不住看了两遍 现在想起来还激动 真的特别真诚动人 强烈推荐!!

http:// v.youku.com/v_show/id_X NTAyODAxMjg0.html?x


还有去年李安上台那句“Thank you,movie God“


“ I’m full of so much gratitude now. I do not feel elevated above any of my fellow nominees or anyone in this room, because we share the same love – that’s the love of film. And this form of expression has given me the most extraordinary life. I don’t know where I’d be without it. But I think the greatest gift that it’s given me, and many people in [this industry] is the opportunity to use our voice for the voiceless.

“我现在心里充满了感激之情。 我并不觉得自己比任何其他提名者或在座的任何人都要高尚,因为我们分享着同样的爱——这就是对电影的热爱。 这种表达方式给了我最不平凡的生活。 我不知道没有它我会在哪里。 但是我认为它给予我和这个行业的许多人的最大的礼物,就是让我们有机会为那些没有发言权的人发声。

“I’ve been thinking about some of the distressing issues that we’ve been facing collectively. I think at times we feel or are made to feel that we champion different causes. But for me, I see commonality. I think, whether we’re talking about gender inequality or racism or queer rights or indigenous rights or animal rights, we’re talking about the fight against injustice.

“我一直在思考我们共同面临的一些令人沮丧的问题。 我认为有时我们感觉或被迫感觉我们支持不同的事业。 但对我来说,我看到了共性。 我认为,无论我们谈论的是性别不平等、种族歧视、酷儿权利、土著权利或动物权利,我们谈论的是反对不公正的斗争。

“We’re talking about the fight against the belief that one nation, one people, one race, one gender, one species, has the right to dominate, use and control another with impunity.


“I think we’ve become very disconnected from the natural world. Many of us are guilty of an egocentric world view, and we believe that we’re the centre of the universe. We go into the natural world and we plunder it for its resources.

“我认为我们已经变得非常脱离自然世界。 我们中的许多人都对自我中心的世界观感到内疚,我们相信我们是宇宙的中心。 我们进入自然世界,掠夺它的资源。

“We feel entitled to artificially inseminate a cow and steal her baby, even though her cries of anguish are unmistakeable. Then we take her milk that’s intended for her calf and we put it in our coffee and our cereal.

“我们觉得自己有权利让一头奶牛人工受精,并偷走她的婴儿,尽管她痛苦的哭声是明白无误的。 然后,我们把准备给她的小牛喝的牛奶,放进我们的咖啡和麦片里。

“We fear the idea of personal change, because we think we need to sacrifice something; to give something up. But human beings at our best are so creative and inventive, and we can create, develop and implement systems of change that are beneficial to all sentient beings and the environment.

“我们害怕个人的改变,因为我们认为我们需要牺牲一些东西,放弃一些东西。 但是处于最佳状态的人类是如此具有创造性和创造性,我们可以创造、发展和实施对所有有情众生和环境有益的变化系统。

“I have been a scoundrel all my life, I’ve been selfish. I’ve been cruel at times, hard to work with, and I’m grateful that so many of you in this room have given me a second chance. I think that’s when we’re at our best: when we support each other. Not when we cancel each other out for our past mistakes, but when we help each other to grow. When we educate each other; when we guide each other to redemption.

“我一辈子都是个无赖,我很自私。 我有时很残忍,很难相处,我很感激在座的诸位给了我第二次机会。 我认为那是我们最好的时候: 当我们互相支持的时候。 不是当我们互相抵消过去的错误,而是当我们帮助彼此成长。 当我们彼此教育,当我们引导彼此救赎。

When he was 17, my brother [River] wrote this lyric. He said: “ run to the rescue with love and peace will follow. ”

我哥哥[雷芙]17岁时写了这首歌词。 他说: “用爱去营救,和平就会随之而来。 ”

这个绝对算得上是经典了 虽然老外们可能像是在听天书


如果 不规定一定要有说了什么 的话......比较经典的有,1972年,马龙 ·白兰度 凭《教父》获得 最佳男主角那次,当时 他本人没有亲自领奖,而是 叫了个 印第安女孩上台 领奖,目的是 为了抗议 好莱坞 常常对 电影中的 印第安人丑化描写。

有趣的是,1971年和1972年,接着两届 奥斯卡的最佳男主角奖的 得主,都拒绝领奖,没有 到场。

“我拍了五十年电影,可是我还是不懂它”。——黑泽明 1990年

Tom Hanks因《费城故事》获得最佳男主角时的感言被称为奥斯卡史上最尴尬的感言之一。


因为此感言事件,还拍了一部电影《In Out》,不知道算不算经典。