




The Cleopatra ruling period (A.D. first 69 arrive at 30) is Egyptian heyday. Have accomplished as

soon as short stories of the Tang and Song dynasties statesman , Keliao carry Terra during the

period of seventeen-year-old Deng Shang throne, she is a Egyptian at last pharaoh , is also a

final empress. But, before long, the young empress and self close younger brother/ husband Tuole

thirteen generation begin to contend for a throne. For with power over major issues take back to

self-owned, she decides to ally with Caesar. While she is still child, she once was an eyewitness

to Caesar defeat Pangbei. Though descendants all eulogizes Keliao carry Terra be Cleopatra, but she

is really not a beautiful woman in fact. Have the ancient times one being handed down down to be

carving her portrait on currency, her nose is long but the eagle hooks, facial features has male

person lofty quality very much. Nevertheless, she is still very charming, especially sound , music

pleasing to the ear is extremely pleasant to listen to. She surpass all charm major part giving the

credit to her clever wisdom. She is able to speak nine kinds language , is that the very astute

statesman- possibility will be why she can order Caesar to fall in love at first sight immediately

and. Think that Caesar leaves in B.C. in 48 when Rome goes to Alexander, he has received the most

well-known piece of gift in history: A east carpet , the 22-year-old Cleopatra go into hiding

between them. She needs to depend on Caesarean support to drive close thirteen generation of Tuole

away. Her plan has succeeded. Roman reinforcements prompt when , several war passes after she and

Caesar book an oath of alliance down, close thirteen generation of Tuole is suffered a crushing

defeat and is gone into battle. B.C. summer in 47, Keliao carries Terra and her close younger

brother Tuole fourteen generation gets married. She and Caesar have been started the two months

take a trip before long, they have been supported Dandela straightly along Nile , Keliao ornament

Terra has been respected in there for the pharaoh. Two people indulges in Yu Ai He among, have

given birth to and a son , have bename as young Caesar. In 45 the empress and the young son have

left the Alexander city , have gone to Rome in B.C., live within the palace that Caesar constructs

for them.


埃及艳后的统治时期(公元前69到30年)是埃及的鼎盛时期。作为一个传奇的政治家,克里奥佩特拉在十七岁的时候就登上了王位,她是埃及的最后一个法老,也是最后一个女王。 但不久,年轻的女王与自己的弟弟/丈夫托勒密十三世开始争夺王位。为了把大权收归己有,她决定与恺撒结盟。当她还是个孩子的时候,她曾亲眼目睹恺撒打败庞贝。



公元前44年,恺撒被敌人暗杀,克里奥佩特拉找到了她的新联盟 - 安东尼。随后,她成为安东尼的情人。他将罗马帝国的部分疆土,包括塔尔苏斯、昔兰尼、克利特岛、塞浦路斯和巴勒斯坦赐给了女王,以示爱意。
