世界防治荒漠化和干旱日(World Day to combat desertification),1994年12月19日第49届联合国大会根据联大第二委员会(经济和财政)的建议,通过了49/115号决议,从 1995年起把每年的6月17日定为“世界防治荒漠化和干旱日”,旨在进一步提高世界各国人民对防治荒漠化重要性的认识,唤起人们防治荒漠化的责任心和紧迫感。
“The theme of the 2013 World Day to Combat Desertification is drought and water scarcity. Freshwater is valuable. Of all the water on Earth, only 2.5 per cent is freshwater. And of all this freshwater, the total usable supply for ecosystems and humans is less than 1 per cent. When demand for water exceeds available supply, it results in water scarcity. Drylands are particularly vulnerable to water scarcity. The projected intensification of freshwater scarcity will cause greater stresses in drylands. While each person needs at least 2,000 cubic meters of water for human well-being and sustainable development every year, on average, people in the drylands have access to only 1,300 cubic meters.”
“This year’s slogan, “Don’t let our future dry up” calls for everyone to take action to promote preparedness and resilience to water scarcity, desertification and drought. ”(source: UNCCD)
网上查到是:6月17日世界防治荒漠化日和干旱日 耶稣诞真正生日6月17日 供参考
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