
谁知道有关英国诺丁山狂欢节nottinghill carnival的东西?

谁知道有关英国诺丁山狂欢节nottinghill carnival的东西?


谁知道有关英国诺丁山狂欢节nottinghill carnival的东西?

Notting Hill Carnival

The Notting Hill Carnival is an annual event which takes place in Notting Hill, London, England each August, over three days (a weekend and a bank holiday). It is led by members of the Caribbean population, many of whom have lived in the area since the 1950s. The carnival attracts up to 1.5 million people, making it the largest street festival in Europe.


Carnival kicks off on Saturday with the Panorama, a competition between steelpan bands mainly from London but more recently including some bands from other areas of the UK. Sunday is Children's Day, with a shorter Carnival route for children and young people. The main parade then takes place on Monday.

The current route for the main parade covers around 3 miles, following Great Western Road, Chepstow Road, Westbourne Grove and Ladbroke Grove. In addition to trucks with pan bands or mobile sound systems, there are costumed masqueraders and around 40 static sound systems spread throughout the area playing a range of music at high volume. While the "traditional" Soca and some Calypso can still be found, many other musical styles are represented.


The Carnival began in January 1959 in St Pancras Town Hall as a response to the depressing state of race relations at the time; the UK's first widespread racial attacks had occurred the previous year. It was a huge success, despite being held indoors.

It first moved outside and shifted into August in 1965. The prime mover was Rhaune Laslett, who wasn't even aware of the indoor events when she first raised the idea. At this point, it was more a Notting Hill event than an Afro-Caribbean event, and only around a thousand people turned out.

Girl in Costume.


Girl in Costume.

By 1976 the event had become definitely Caribbean in flavour, with around 150,000 people attending. However, in that year and several subsequent years the carnival was marred by riots, in which predominantly Caribbean youths fought with police — a target due to the continuous harassment the population felt they were under (see article on the 1976 riots in External links, below). During this period, there was considerable coverage of the disorder in the press, which some felt took an unfairly negative and one-sided view of the Carnival. For a while it looked as if the carnival would be banned. Prince Charles was one of the few establishment figures who supported the event.

In recent years, the event has been much freer from serious trouble and is generally viewed very positively as a dynamic celebration of London's multi-cultural diversity, though dominated by the Caribbean culture in the best traditions of Rio. However, there has been controversy over the public safety aspects of holding such a well-attended event in narrow streets in a small area of London. The capital's authorities have sought to spread the load by making use of nearby Hyde Park.

In 2003 the Carnival was run by a limited company, the Notting Hill Carnival Trust Ltd. A report by the London Development Agency on the 2002 Carnival estimated that the event contributes around £93 million to the London and UK economy.

In 2005, entrantants from Notting Hill Carnival participated in the Bridgwater, Somerset carnival - Europe's largest lighted carnival and part of the West Country Carnival circuit.

Attendance Figures

2005 - 750,000

2004 - 750,000

2003 - 600,000

2002 - 1,400,000

2001 - 1,250,000

2000 - 1,500,000

1999 - 1,400,000

1998 - 1,150,000

1997 - 1,300,000

1996 - 1,000,000




诺丁山狂欢节(Nottinghill Carnival)是欧洲第一大狂欢节,也是世界上仅次于巴西里约热内卢狂欢节的第二大街头庆典。狂欢节于1964年首次举行,反响甚佳。之后每年在伦敦市西北角的诺丁山街区举行,至今已是第42届。

狂欢节的习俗源于加勒比海文化(Caribbean Culture)。1960年代英国人为了调和黑人所面临的种族压力,促进黑白人种相互交流而举办了诺丁山狂欢节。此传统沿袭至今已成为了世界各地人们聚集、相互用音乐和舞蹈交流与宣泄的国际盛会。今年,狂欢节的主题是“团结与多样”。正处于“后爆炸案时期”的英国渴望告诉世人:英国国民是团结一心的,同时也是对各种文化热情包容的。为了确保“狂欢节人人有份”,举办方还特地在离诺丁山街区不远的海德公园为那些受不了疯狂气氛的优雅人士安排了“加勒比风情展”。那些在狂欢节里感觉窒息的人们,可以在海德公园的阳光和草坪上休息片刻,浸泡在加勒比海的芬芳中。














烤鸡腿(Jerk Chicken)——盛典中的“必吃”


