





That's why you go away(MLTR五大伤感歌曲第二名。MLTR被世界熟知的成名曲)

Take me to your heart(张学友吻别的翻唱,大街小巷都放便了的歌曲)

Fairy tale(翻唱王菲的传奇)

I walk this road alone(翻唱崔健的一无所有)

Blue night(MLTR最经典专辑《Blue night》的主打歌,MTV是类似大学校园中女生宿舍楼下弹唱的情景)

Paint my love(一首描述一见钟情的歌曲,曲风舒缓中略带激情)

The actor(MLTR五大伤感歌曲第一名。细细品味它的歌词,很难做一个到位的翻译出来)

Out of the blue(虽然歌名叫Out of the blue,带依然是很Blue的一首歌)


Sleeping child(反战歌曲,充满对小孩子的关爱)

I'm gonna be around(描写细腻感情的歌曲,那种心照不宣的感觉)

Nothing to lose(MLTR五大伤感歌曲第五名。讲述的是一种对爱的不确定)

If you leave my world(MLTR04年推出的新一发催泪瓦斯,写的是分手的场景)

Romantic balcony(把人带入中世纪的戏剧院,尤其在清晨或黄昏时听,感觉更好)

How many hours(反战歌曲,节奏柔和,但表达对战争的痛恨)

You took my heart way(一首节奏舒缓的歌曲)

Angle eyes(同样出自《Blue night》专辑,一首经典快歌)

More than a friend(歌曲写的就是类似SHE《恋人未满》的感觉)

25 minutes(MLTR五大伤感歌曲第三名。讲述的是对于爱的后悔,曾经一份真挚的爱在面前没有珍惜,后悔不已!)

Don't have to lose(法国电影《敢爱就来》主题曲)

The ghost of you(表达对死去爱人的思念)

Complicated heart(从歌名也不难看出,这是一首描写复杂而矛盾心理的歌曲)

Breaking my heart(MLTR五大伤感歌曲第四名。这是一首完全讲述失恋的歌。整首歌旋律缓慢,让人沉醉其中!)

Upon the Christmas night(一首为圣诞节创作的歌曲,圣诞节期间超市播放率很高)

蟹蟹邀请~强烈强烈推荐这首歌《All my days》,Alexi Murdoch唱的。配上《铁甲钢拳》真的绝了*٩(๑´∀`๑)ง*~



他最火的是《Orange Sky》,《越狱》的插曲。也是《橘子郡男孩》的主题歌。




Five Hundred Miles原唱是美国老牌民谣乐队之一The Brothers Four(四兄弟演唱组),后有日本摇滚歌神忌野清志郎改编日文版的Five Hundred Miles,被松隆子和忌野清志郎本人唱过。2013年Justin Timberlake 联手Carey Mulligan和Stark Sands主演新片Inside Llewyn Davis《醉乡民谣》深情献唱主题曲Five Hundred Miles

Daily Growing


The trees they grow high, the leaves they do grow green,树正高啊叶正茂Many is the time my true love Ive seen,心上人啊我常见Many an hour I have watched him all alone,孤身人啊我常望Hes young but hes daily growing.少年郎啊日日长Father, dear father, youve done me great wrong,父亲啊父亲你铸大错You have married me to a boy who is too young,把我嫁与那少年郎

I am twice twelve and he is but fourteen,一个二十四啊一个仅十四Daughter, dear daughter, Ive done you no wrong,女儿啊女儿我不曾错He's young but he's daily growing可少年郎啊也在日日长I have married you to a great lords son,豪门之子可依傍He will be a man for you when I am dead and gone,我离去后是他伴你身旁Hes young but hes daily growing少年郎啊他也在日日长Father, dear father, if you see fit,父亲啊父亲若你觉尚妥Well send him to college for another year yet,来年我们送他入大学Ill tie a blue ribbon all around his head,那蓝丝带啊在他额上环圈To let the maidens know that he is married.周知妙龄少女他已履婚约One day I was looking over my fathers castle wall,一日我远眺自父亲的城堡I spied all the boys playing with a ball,窥见少年踢球吵吵闹闹And my own true love was the flower of them all,我的真爱如鲜花熠熠闪耀He's young but he's daily growing他日日成长 尽管依旧年少And so early in the morning at the dawning of the day,那日正早啊晨曦正好They went into a hayfield to have some sport and play,在干草堆他们嬉戏玩闹And what they did there she never would declare,相爱之举 深藏心底 不愿言状But she never more complained of his growing.但从此以后她不再怨他青涩飞扬At the age of fourteen he was a married man,十四岁哟他已为人夫At the age of fifteen the father of my son,十五岁呀他已为人父At the age of sixteen his grave it was green,十六岁啊 墓前草茵 早已作古And death had put an end to his growing.少年已故啊不再成长Ill buy my love some flannel, Ill make my love a shroud,买来法兰绒啊做我爱人寿衣With every stitch I put in it, the tears they will pour down,一针针啊 我泪如泉涌With every stitch I put in it, how the tears they will flow,一线线啊 泪密如针脚Cruel fate has put an end to his growing.命运残酷啊,少年故人,再不成长!

我喜欢Keith whitley的好几首歌,建议从when you say nothing at all 开始听,没错,他是原唱。其他歌曲搜他名字度娘。喝酒多,死的早,死后才出名,真是悲剧。