






Ecological building and rather well-known foreign architects

Abstract Generally stating the

concept and the expression of ecological buldings and comparing Thomas Herzog and Norman Fosterstheories and works of ecological buildings to learn and acknowledge ecological buildings,this articIe wants to stimuIate Chinese architect s’ attention and consideration of ecological buildings by the Outstanding achievement of the two masters.

Key Words Thomas Herzog,Norman Foster, EcologicaI building, Expressjon form of ecological building,Theory Of ecological bullding.Ecological esthetic

Now, with the people continue to enhance the prevention of environmental pollution and maintaining ecological balance awareness, as well as urban greening, increasing development, to create low energy, sustainable development of eco-building environment of the new building research, more and more attention and respected. So, what kind of building could be called eco-buildings?

The concept of eco-building The so-called eco-building, according to the local natural environment, the use of the principle of ecology, building technology, science and other relevant subject knowledge, reasonably arrange and organize the relationship between buildings and other relevant factors in the field and the environment form an organic combination ofoverall, and suitable for human dwelling. Ecological building must meet the following four points: first, to be coordinated with the surrounding environment, and has protective effects on the surrounding ecological environment; buildings must not be on the natural environment caused by pollution or destruction of buildings within the usercan better to enjoy nature and feel that conferred comfortable and pleasant;The interior design should try to return to nature, such as natural lighting,natural ventilation, use of solar energy, the ideal indoor green; Fourth, a variety of substances, the source within the building systems can be orderedcycle of conversion. To sum up is to achieve respect for the environment andreturn to nature Manifestations of ecological building.

For the above definition, the present ecological architecture instance,manifestations of ecological building can be summarized as follows:

2.1 building energy efficiency

View to the current architectural trend, low-power has become one of theimportant symbol of ecological building. The more common way to solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and other non-polluting energy, directly or throughtechnology transfer, building use form, to help the building to reduce energy consumption in lighting, ventilation, heating, etc..

2.2 Building pollution prevention and control

Pollution prevention and control of the building is an important part of the ecological construction. The core issue of environmental protection has always been one of the waste problem. Peoples concept of pollution controlto focus only on production, the life process in sewagmagradually turned to the building from construction to operation andmaintenance of pollution control in the process.

2.3 building re-use resources

In the entire worlds energy consumption 50% in building construction,maintenance and use of consumption, so efficient use of resources,recycling and reduce the impact on the natural environment is the construction of resource use in ecological building to be rapidly improving link.

In recent years, the emergence of ecological building materials ③ alleviatethis problem. First of all the main characteristics of saving resources and energy, followed by reducing environmental pollution, and finally the easyrecovery and recycling.

Above discussion, a certain understanding of the ecological building.However, in order to further study the ecological building, is not enough torely on theoretical explanations, we need to analyze some examples, theory and practice, scientific research and understanding of ecological building.Below through the analysis and comparison of eco-building ideas and works of two masters (Thomas Herzog and Norman Foster), to further understanding and study of ecological architecture, and learn from themaster of thought and practice nutrition, explore the development and prospects of ecological construction in China.

3.Thomas Herzog

Thomas Herzog is a perfect combination of technology and the arts, have a deep sense of mission at the same time on the ecology and environment of the German masters of architecture. His architectural works have a high level of technology, the essential meaning of his work lies in its ecological concern, not only in his design, in the course of teaching, often exhibitions, a large number of works, in cooperation with other architects, he personally.He goes beyond the paradigm of modern architecture, and replaced with more eco-dumping Value orientation, and this orientation is bound to replace the old paradigm.

3.1 Thomas Herzog, ecological building thought

Thomas Herzog rarely impose their own creative aspirations on the environment above, but to speculate and listen to the change process and the cycle of the ecological environment, the spirit of participation and cooperation to complete his work. His ecological building human and artificial matter to a natural and man-made natural cordial and harmonious situation. He always adhere to the principle of "from ecology to architecture, from technology to nature", he has eco sublimated into a mental and spiritual, and throughout his life, the building design process.

Thomas Herzogs design is not considered an isolated internal and external form, on the contrary, his designs expanded to all aspects of the built environment and the relationship between the shape. In addition, he attaches great importance to work closely with other professionals to give greater freedom of architectural design activities through the development of new materials, new components, the new system and appropriate design tools, and ultimately to achieve the unity of the building and the natural environment coordination, as well as building its own sustainable development.

Thomas Herzog in the architectural activities in addition to transport

In a variety of new materials, new components, the new system, has been updated in the research and development, more ecological, more reasonable materials, components and systems. Such as: Peituo Kaposi external wall system, Fischer facade assembly system, solar grid system, and so on. Thomas Herzog is more concerned about the accuracy and efficiency of the buildings in harmony with their surroundings on the basis of their own energy-saving technology

Thomas Herzog rarely own creative desire to impose. Architectural detail through carefully designed to improve resource and energy use efficiency, and reduce the cost of non-renewable resources to focus on the ecological environment.

Thomas believes that architects should take advantage of the technology, because of high efficiency by using much less material than conventional practice materials to meet the same functional requirements. Of course, the introduction of new technology, they must be correct and proper. He also is very concerned about the flexibility of the design flexibility and architectural elements, not only emphasizes the flexibility of the building function, but also stressed that the flexibility and versatility of the architectural details.

4.1 Norman Foster ecological building thinking

The introduction of some of the ecological building exist today, and many architects of ecological building creative ideas, the vast majority focused on the use and adaptation of the material aspects of the construction of the external environment, such as solar energy, use of groundwater. These mostly belong to the understanding and use of building physics. Norman Foster building constructed as a space and place is established not merely meet the physical meaning of comfort should be a higher level of development to meet the cultural needs of the people, aesthetic orientation.His concern for the environment can be seen from the London Guildhall,and the transformation of modern technology and aesthetic orientation, theperfect combination of ecology and art is the perfect embodiment of a new aesthetic - Ecological Aesthetics.

In addition to the above concerns, Norman Foster also paid great attention to micro-climate inside the building, he can focus on buildingmicro-climate specific grouped into three areas: First, a suitabletemperature and humidity (to meet the thermal comfort and health requirements); as far as possible, the most access to natural light (reducingthe energy consumption of artificial lighting); maximize natural ventilation (to reduce air conditioning energy consumption). However, under different climatic conditions different focus and approach of the above three elements. Thus, by the most efficient artificial means to achieve these objectives, or to achieve a balance between the various elements of Fosters relentless pursuit direction. In the two works in the south of France:Cary Center for the Arts and the Frederick Eustace place middle vocational schools is the full performance of his raw state climate concept. His design not only runs through the concept of ecological design, but also fully embodies the attention and respect of traditional cultural and geographical culture, compared with the past completely self-centered high-tech school ",this change is undoubtedly is very profound. It makes high-tech school "goes beyond a simple external style and step into a deeper realm. It can be said at this point he pointed out the direction for the future of high-techschool ", but also provided valuable experience for our commitment to eco-building architects in the field. 5 comparison of two masters

Can be seen through the eco-building ideas and works of two masters of architecture:

5.1 in common

The two masters of architecture in the field of ecological building made outstanding contributions to advocate with the new materials, new technologies, new systems and the appropriate design tools to complete their ecological construction works; emphasized in man and nature,architecture and nature harmony on the basis of up to create a morecomfortable working and living environment of mankind; for the same target from different aspects of making unremitting efforts to create a better environment to human beings, more spiritual and material wealth to leave our future generations .

5.2 The difference

Thomas Herzog in ecological architecture is mainly from the overall environment of staff (including the surrounding environment and buildingtheir own environment), and ecological building design and research; he has been emphasized from the human point of view of sustainable development, rather than short when the viewpoint of local issues; he not only cares about the past and present, he is more concerned about the future; he not only cares about the local area, but also with relevant regionaland even the future may impact the area; him more is the use of new technologies, building detail and from different disciplines collaborate to reach the building and the surrounding environment and the people and the natural harmony and symbiosis; he stressed that eco-construction is not anarchitectural form, but Ecology as an attitude and spirit throughout the design process and its life;more comprehensive and thorough research in ecological construction,ecological building design in the true sense of the truly harmony with their surrou