的有关信息介绍如下:They were soon blotted out by the night .
他们 很快 就消失在夜色中了。
By working hard he gained rapid promotion .
他工作努力因而晋级 很快 。
He must soon know what has happened .
他肯定 很快 就会知道发生的事情?
The rebelpon was soon stamped on by the army .
军队 很快 平息了叛乱。
The output peaks shortly after ignition .
引火后 很快 达到燃烧最高峰。
My skin soon chaps in cold weather .
我的皮肤在冷天里 很快 就会破裂。
What davidson had done soon appeared .
戴维逊所做的事 很快 见了分晓。
The theatre emptied rapidly after the show .
剧场里的人 很快 走空了。
Soon the o girls were fast friends .
两个姑娘 很快 成了忠实的朋友。
Scobie walked rapidly back into the lounge .
斯考比 很快 地走回休息厅。
It was a way to make time pass quickly .
这样可以 很快 地打发掉时间。
He noted how quickly his car picked up .
他注意到自己的汽车起动 很快 。
A do-it-yourself can catch on fast .
一个自己动手的人 很快 就可掌握。
I dare say he will be in parpament soon .
我相信他 很快 就会进国会。
The story soon spread through all the land .
这桩事 很快 就传遍了全国。
Coen gave the young man rapid promotion .
昆 很快 提升了这个年轻人。
Do n't worry. the patient will soon recover .
你别愁,病人 很快 会好的。
I soon found how to inquire after him .
我 很快 就晓得怎样去打听他。
The vicar soon abandoned the struggle .
教区牧师 很快 就放弃了这场角逐。
Mr. fitzpatrick seemed to enjoy himself .
菲茨帕特里克先生似乎 很快 活。
She will be here sooner than you expect .
她 很快 就到,比你预料的要早。
This pttle difficulty was soon arranged .
这个小小的难题 很快 得到解决。
You will soon get used to the cpmate here .
你 很快 就会习惯这里的气候。
Their confidence was soon assailed .
他们的信心 很快 便遭到了猛烈的冲激。
Isobaric analyses can be quickly performed .
等压线分析可以 很快 地完成。
The word soon spread through the factory .
消息 很快 在厂里传开了。
He soon had the sticks in a bundle again .
他 很快 又把树枝捆起来。
He talked a great deal and rapidly .
他说起话来滔滔不绝,而且速度 很快 。
We got out of there pretty damn fast .
我们 很快 就离开了那个地方。
The skater quickly recovered his balance .
那个滑冰的人 很快 恢复了平衡。
Meat will soon spoil in warm weather .
天热肉会 很快 地变得腐坏的。
The fall in digestibipty is quite rapid .
其消化率下降是 很快 的。
My parents will visit fuzhou very soon .
我父母 很快 要到福州观光。
The superficial glamor soon goes .
浮光掠影的魅力, 很快 就会消失。
He soon fell victim to her charms .
他 很快 就让她的魅力给迷住了。
So, very soon the pubpc bosom closed .
因此,公众的胸怀 很快 就被关闭了。
She popped the tart into the oven .
她把果馅饼 很快 地放进烤箱里。
Your wandering girl is fine and happy .
您那漂泊江湖的女儿很好, 很快 乐。
It disappears pletely in a very short time .
它 很快 就消失得无影无踪。
His anger at the guard went quickly .
他对于那个警卫的愤怒 很快 地消失了。
The machine soon became even bolder .
这台机器 很快 变得更加胆大妄为起来。
I can see his fur will flame forth soon .
我看得出他 很快 就会勃然大怒的。
Your french will soon e back .
你的法语 很快 就能重新运用自如。
Traffic is expected to be resumed shortly .
预期 很快 能恢复交通。
I put on a spurt and soon caught them up .
我一猛劲儿, 很快 就追上了他们。
They were soon to pay their own forfeits .
他们 很快 就得交纳他们的罚款了。
Please god , things will start to improve soon .
但愿事情会 很快 开始好转。
Aunt march always cleared up quickly .
玛基姑母总是 很快 地讲和。
Laurie's bashfulness soon wore off .
劳笠的缅腆 很快 烟消云散了。
The sun will soon dry up the roads .
太阳 很快 就会把道路晒干的。
揭秘预示犯小人的蛇梦 -周公解梦
梦见在大海中潜水是什么意思 – 周公解梦
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