Live For Today是什么意思?
的有关信息介绍如下:live for today 为今天而活 百科释义 《Live For Today》由陈奕迅亲自参与监制,找来多位音乐人如陶喆、Eric Kwok及梁翘柏等创作11首歌主打歌十面埋伏和幸灾乐祸。 例句: 1. Learn from the past, live for today and keep on hoping for tomorrow.
live for today 为今天而活 双语对照 翻译不正确取消 词典结果: 百科释义 《Live For Today》由陈奕迅亲自参与监制,找来多位音乐人如陶喆、Eric Kwok及梁翘柏等创作11首歌主打歌十面埋伏和幸灾乐祸。 例句: 1. Learn from the past, live for today and keep on hoping for tomorrow. 2. Here's how to plan for the long, long term while you trying to live for today
live for today 今朝有酒今朝醉
直白的翻译为 :为了今天而活。 但一般译为:活在当下。