名声; 名誉
声望, 名望
荣[信]誉, 体面; 著名
a man of no reputation
默默无闻的人; 没有声望的人
a person of reputation
有信誉的人, 体面的人
build up a reputation
a blot [smirch, stain] on one's reputation 名誉上的污点
have a good [bad] reputation 名誉好[坏]
have a reputation for sth. (=have the reputation of) 因...而著名, 以...闻名
live up to one's reputation 不负盛名; 名副其实
lose [ruin] one's reputation 名誉扫地
make an evil reputation for oneself 弄得声名狼藉
of great[good, high] reputation 很有声望的, 享有盛名的
of no reputation 声名狼藉的
of reputation 有名望的
stab sb.'s[one's] reputation 破坏[伤害]某人[自己]的名誉
stake one's reputation on 拿名誉打赌